Fear: An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
I have I ever felt this before? No. That's what I would tell you but I would be lying. I have fears like anyone else. The usual like what if I died today or saying something stupid to your crush or finding a spider in your room then when you leave to get toilet paper and come back you can't find it anymore. I also fear that I will fail, won't amount to anything and be a disappointment. How I wake up and face all these fears is a miracle to me. I'm surprised I don't have mental breakdowns and emotional problems (or do I).
Even Superman has a fears.
No one is indestructible.
So what's the trick to overcoming your fears? I wish you could tell you, more importantly I wish someone would tell me because that would make my life much easier. But for now I will just have to avoid walking under icicles, don't ride roller coasters and probably stop watching Happy Tree Friends.
So my advice about facing your fears is.......Good Luck.
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