Sunday, February 10, 2013

If I Was A Boat

If I was a boat,
what would I do?
Try to say afloat,
or go where the wind blew?

Be adventurous and free,
or docked and safe?
To be a little gutsy,
or have little faith?

Unfurl my white sail,
or fear to be open?
Worried I would fail,
or confident and hopin'?

Brave the rough seas,
or instead back down?
Use every breeze,
or stay on dry ground?

If I was a boat,
what would I do?

I would go to Peru.


  1. holy cow that was amazing! i loved it!
    more more i need more please

  2. I love this!! I stole "be adventurous and free!" I live by those words!

  3. "If I was a boat,
    what would I do?
    Try to say afloat,
    or go where the wind blew?"

    Yep stealing.
